Hepatitis C – Causes, symptoms, and remedies

Hepatitis C – Causes, symptoms, and remedies

Hepatitis C is a condition in which an infection can cause inflammation and swelling in the liver and its tissues. The most common way the infection spreads is through contact with the blood of an infected person. Hepatitis C can be a chronic infection in most cases. It can even lead to critical conditions like liver cirrhosis and cancer. Being aware of the symptoms is one way of managing the condition.

What are the signs and symptoms
Those with the infection may not experience any symptoms in the early stages. Most people notice Hepatitis C signs and symptoms in the acute stages. These could be nonspecific, flu-like symptoms or resemble stomach discomfort and jaundice. One might not experience late-stage liver disease symptoms until the liver has already started to fail, which might be severe. Listed below are some early warning signs:

  • Body aches
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • Fatigue

Here are some ways through which one can contact the Hepatitis C virus:

  • The virus can spread to healthcare workers via exposure to infected blood
  • It is possible that pregnant women with Hepatitis C can pass on the infection to their newborns
  • Organ transplants and blood transfusions
  • Getting a tattoo or piercing with unhygienic equipment increases the risk.

Foods that can help manage Hepatitis C
Since Hepatitis C mainly affects the liver, a person with the infection should eat foods that help in maintaining their overall liver health. One should try to include the following foods in their daily meals.

Fruits and vegetables
They are abundant in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Thus, they can keep you satiated for long and provide essential nutrients. Leafy green vegetables, in particular, are helpful as they lower the amounts of fatty acids in the liver. But eating them in excess can lead to high amounts of iron, which could cause an issue. One should speak to a physician before making any drastic changes to their meals.

Protein-rich foods
Protein helps in replacing the liver cells harmed by hepatitis C. Excellent sources of protein include shellfish, poultry, nuts, eggs, and soy.

Dairy products
Milk, yogurt, and cheese are examples of dairy products that are excellent sources of calcium and protein.

While hepatitis C does not have a complete cure yet, several treatments can help manage the infection and reduce the risk of complications. Some of these include:

Liver transplantation
Liver transplantation can be an option if persistent hepatitis C infection has caused serious problems. The surgeon removes the diseased liver during a transplant and replaces it with a healthier one.

Natural remedies
Milk thistle and licorice root may help protect the liver and reduce inflammation. Talking to a healthcare provider before using herbal remedies is important as they may interact with other prescription treatments or cause side effects.

Lifestyle changes
Lifestyle modifications can also help manage hepatitis C. This includes eating healthy food, avoiding carbonated drinks, and exercising regularly. It also includes not sharing any equipment with a person who has the virus.