Prostate cancer – Early warning signs and management

Prostate cancer – Early warning signs and management

Prostate cancer is a severe health disorder affecting men worldwide. It is a form of cancer wherein abnormal cell growth is observed in the prostate gland. Though most prostate cancers grow slowly, they can affect a person’s reproductive health and, therefore, necessitates early diagnosis and prompt treatment. Keep reading to learn more about the early warning signs of prostate cancer, its causes, remedies, and healthy foods to manage this condition.

Prostate cancer symptoms and signs
In its early stages, prostate cancer often exhibits no symptoms. But the following symptoms appear when cancer progresses to advanced stages-

  • Excessive urination
  • Discomfort while urinating
  • Blood in urine
  • A slow or weak urinary stream
  • Back and pelvic pain
  • Numbness in the feet or legs
  • Unexplained body mass loss and fatigue
  • Bone pain

Causes of prostate cancer
Alterations in the DNA of a normal prostate cell usually trigger prostate cancer. However, certain other risk factors are involved, such as family history and age. Besides these, other factors like unhealthy lifestyle habits, excessive calcium intake, and unhealthy body mass can contribute to prostate cancer. However, some of these factors are also linked to other health issues.

Foods to help with prostate cancer
A balanced meal plan is an ideal strategy to enhance one’s prognosis for prostate cancer. Adding healthy foods to the daily meal plan can positively impact treatments for this condition. A plant-based and Mediterranean meal plan can help prostate cancer patients. Some healthy foods to help with prostate cancer are listed below.

  • Tomatoes and tomato-related foods
  • Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Bok choy, Brussels sprouts, horseradish, cauliflower, kale, and turnips
  • Whole grains like barley and quinoa
  • Legumes or beans
  • Fish
  • Other foods like oranges, carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupes, winter squash, and dark green and leafy vegetables

Remedies for preventing prostate cancer
Prostate cancer preventive measures include following a healthy meal plan, avoiding unhealthy lifestyle habits, exercising for at least 30 minutes each day, and consulting a healthcare professional frequently to have your prostate health monitored. Furthermore, consult a health expert about the potential advantages and drawbacks of using any nutritional supplement for prostate cancer prevention.

Prostate cancer treatment
Various treatment options are available to manage prostate cancer. A healthcare professional will assist you in determining which course of treatment works well for your condition.

Expectant management is one of the common treatments. Your doctor could advise against starting treatment immediately if they believe the prostate cancer won’t spread soon. Instead, they might advise you to wait and see whether you experience any symptoms in the future.

Prostatectomy is a treatment where the whole or part of the prostate is surgically removed. The prostate and the surrounding healthy tissues are removed during radical prostatectomy. Other alternatives like radiation treatment exist, which destroy cancer with high-energy rays.

Some other common treatment options for managing prostate cancer are listed below.

  • Cryotherapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • High-intensity ultrasound
  • Hormone treatment

Although prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer in males, early diagnosis helps patients manage the condition effectively. Knowing what to anticipate can help you cope if you or a loved one has prostate cancer. Maintaining good health, eating healthy foods, and identifying early warning signs and symptoms will help you avoid future problems.