COPD – Signs, causes, remedies, and more

COPD – Signs, causes, remedies, and more

Do you frequently feel out of breath while running errands, walking, or climbing stairs? Find out if you are at risk of getting COPD. According to a survey, around 16 million people suffer from the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Unfortunately, millions more individuals with COPD have not been diagnosed or treated yet. COPD can impair or affect your ability to work or perform basic daily tasks.

COPD signs & symptoms
The symptoms of COPD include the following:

  • Breathing problems, especially when exercising
  • Wheezing
  • Chest constriction
  • A persistent cough that discharges sputum, a mucus and saliva mixture
  • Cyanosis (causes the lips or nail beds to have a bluish tint)
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Common respiratory diseases
  • Emboli in the legs, feet, or ankles
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Exacerbations (episodes in which a person’s COPD symptoms intensify and last a few days)

COPD causes
COPD has the following most typical causes:

  • Pollutants in the environment
    COPD can also be brought on by exposure to dust, chemicals, and air pollution.
  • Respiratory infections
    Frequent respiratory infections can make you more likely to develop COPD. Kids are at high risk of developing COPD.
  • Asthma
    COPD can develop due to severe or poorly managed asthma.

Foods to help with COPD
While there is no single meal plan that will completely treat COPD, there are several foods that can help control symptoms and improve lung health. People with COPD may benefit from eating certain foods, such as:

  • Fruits and vegetables
    These are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help fight off infection and enhance lung function. Some examples include berries, citrus, leafy greens, and cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower.
  • Lean protein
    Protein is necessary to keep muscles strong and maintain their mass, which can help with breathing. Fish, chicken, turkey, and legumes like beans and lentils are good to lean protein sources.
  • Nuts and seeds
    Nuts and seeds are fantastic sources of healthy fats that can improve lung function and lessen inflammation.

COPD remedies
There is now no known treatment for COPD, although there are several methods that could assist control symptoms and enhancing the quality of life:

  • Use inhalers or nebulizers
    Inhalers and nebulizers help to reduce lung inflammation by widening the airways.
  • Regular exercise
    Exercising regularly can help improve lung function and general health. Consult your doctor about a safe fitness program customized to your unique requirements and symptoms.
  • Avoid irritants
    Reducing exposure to irritants, including dust, chemicals, and air pollution, might help patients experience fewer symptoms and a slower rate of disease development.
  • Be mindful of your stress levels
    COPD may be difficult, and stress can worsen symptoms. Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga are stress-reduction practices that may help with symptoms and general well-being.

COPD treatment
The chronic respiratory condition does not have a known cure. However, treatment can help manage symptoms, delay the illness’s progression, and enhance the quality of life. The standard course of treatment for COPD is a mix of meal plan adjustments and, occasionally, oxygen therapy or surgery.

  • Oxygen therapy
    Oxygen therapy may be advised if a person has severe COPD and low blood oxygen levels. The use of oxygen treatment can facilitate better breathing and lessen breathlessness.
  • Surgery
    Surgery may occasionally be advised to treat severe COPD. Lung volume reduction surgery involves removing diseased tissue from the lungs to enhance lung function, a typical surgical operation for COPD.
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
    Pulmonary rehabilitation is a complete program that incorporates exercise, breathing methods, and education to help patients with COPD manage their symptoms and enhance their quality of life.