Things to know about scalp psoriasis

Things to know about scalp psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis is a prevalent skin condition characterized by the rapid accumulation of skin cells, leading to a buildup on the skin’s surface. The patches appear different on skin tones – pink or salmon-colored patches on those with light to medium skin tones and purplish or gray scales on individuals with darker skin tones. These patches can be seen on the forehead, behind the neck, and inside the ears.

What is scalp psoriasis?
Scalp psoriasis is an immune-related skin condition that results in inflammation and rapid acceleration of cell growth in the new epidermis.

Every 28 to 30 days, new skin cells typically develop. However, new skin cells develop and migrate to the skin’s surface every three to four days in individuals with scalp psoriasis. Thick patches of the epidermis are produced when new cells replace old ones.

Although the natural causes of scalp psoriasis are complicated, it can run in families. Adults may pass it down to their offspring. Scale psoriasis causes can include damage to the skin due to sunburn, prescriptions, stress, and other inflammatory health conditions.

Scalp psoriasis signs and symptoms
Mild scalp psoriasis can cause only minor, thin scaling. Moderate to severe scalp psoriasis can cause the following signs and symptoms:

  • Scaly or bumpy patches on the affected area
  • Gray or silvery-white scales around the patches
  • Dandruff-like flakes of skin
  • Dry head
  • Itching
  • Soreness or burning of the scalp
  • Hair fall

Foods that help scalp psoriasis
Following a balanced and healthy meal plan with skin-friendly foods is an excellent way to lessen and postpone the severity of the condition.

The meal plan should consist of the following food items:

  • All essential nutrient groups, such as protein, fat, and carbs
  • Whole grain bread, cheese, cereal, and legumes
  • Green vegetables like spinach and kale

Home remedies of scalp psoriasis
Although there is no known cure for scalp psoriasis, home remedies can relieve some symptoms. Combining home treatments with appropriate health care can aid in reducing the symptoms of psoriasis.

  • Aloe vera
    Wound treatment gel made from aloe vera can handle itchiness and irritation while keeping your skin hydrated. Apply the gel gently two to three times daily to the lesions.
  • Coconut seed oil
    The epidermis is moisturized by coconut oil. Additionally, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that help lessen the irritation.
  • Extra virgin olive oil
    Olive oil moisturizes parched skin and soothes irritated skin and itching.

Mild scalp psoriasis treatment options
The treatment options for scalp psoriasis can typically include cleansers, shampoos, creams, gels, lotions, foams, oils, and ointments. Some of these items are available over the counter, but it is recommended to consult a dermatologist before opting for one.

One of the two treatment options for psoriasis that the FDA has authorized is frequently found in these products:

  • Shampoos and soaps sold over-the-counter (OTC) and by prescription both contain the peeling ingredient salicylic acid. The scales become soft and can be easily removed as a result.
  • Coal tar products include shampoos, lotions, gels, ointments, foams, soaps, and shampoos. They can reduce swelling, itching, and scaling while slowing skin development. Coal tar shampoo should be massaged into the hair and left on for five to ten minutes before rinsing.