Using flea and tick remedies for pets

Using flea and tick remedies for pets

When you have pets, you are likely to deal with the problem of fleas and ticks quite regularly. As a pet owner, it is vital that you don’t neglect this issue; and, instead, opt for flea and tick treatments at the soonest. Fleas can cause allergic reactions in pets, which can be transmitted to other pets and humans. Leaving the ticks unchecked can cause Lyme disease, tick paralysis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Symptoms of fleas and ticks in your pets
Insects like ticks and fleas can infest your pets at any time. Even though ticks and fleas can only survive in warmer weather, they can easily thrive in the warmer indoor atmosphere in cold weather. When these insects infest your pets, you can notice the following symptoms:

You will find dark specks of flea droppings in your pets’ fur.
You may also find white specks of flea eggs in the fur.
You might find your pet licking and scratching itself excessively.
The pets may develop hot spots on their skin.
The cats, specifically, may lose excessive hair due to constant scratching.
The fleas are known for sucking blood off their prey. If your pets show signs of loss of energy and pale gums, they might be affected.

When you notice such symptoms in your pets, you must consult a veterinarian to look for immediate treatment options for fleas and ticks.

Flea and tick treatment options you should know about
If you’re unable to take your pet to the vet immediately but suspect a case of infestation, you can look into several other flea and tick treatment options. Here are some popular choices given below:

Flea and tick collar
Many veterinarians suggest flea and tick collars as one of the safest pet treatment options. The collar uses specific materials to kill the fleas and ticks at the multiple stages of development. The collar can remain effective for at least eight months, provided you can keep it away from water.

Spot-on flea and tick treatment
You can also select a spot-on flea and tick treatment. It is a monthly formula to be applied to the pets, and you have to wait a few days after the application to bathe your pet. However, you must consult your veterinarian to understand the costs and requirements of this flea and tick treatment.

Oral treatment options
Sometimes, you must follow oral treatment options as suggested by professionals. This treatment option is safe and secure for dogs and cats.

How to safely apply the flea and tick treatment product
Since these are pesticides, you must remain careful while using them on your pets. You must follow caution to use flea and tick treatment products safely.

Don’t buy anything out of the blue. Always consult a vet before purchasing the recommended product.
Pesticides can be transferred to your children occasionally. You must use pesticides on your pet in a controlled environment away from children.
You must read the label and instruction note of the pesticide to ensure the appropriate way to use it on the pets.
You must use flea and tick control products according to the size and weight of the pet and the species. You can’t use pesticides meant for a dog on the cats or vice-versa.
Every product will specify whether you can use it on kittens or puppies. You must not digress from this rule.
You should keep an eye on your pet after applying the treatment product. You must notify your veterinarian if you notice any diverse effects on the pet.