Multiple sclerosis- Warning signs, risk factors, and management

Multiple sclerosis- Warning signs, risk factors, and management

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a health condition affecting the brain, the optic nerves, and the spinal cord. In this disorder, the immune system of a patient’s body incorrectly targets the cells in the myelin- the protective sheath that protects neurons in the brain and spinal cord. When the myelin sheath is damaged, nerve signals traveling from the brain to other body areas face disruptions, leading to complications. Keep reading to learn more about this condition.

Multiple sclerosis signs and symptoms
One of the first and most common indicators of multiple sclerosis is frequent vision issues, such as optic neuritis (blurriness and discomfort in one eye). Other warning signs of the condition include-

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of balance or coordination
  • Muscle weakness
  • Tingling or numbness (legs or arms)
  • Changes in gait
  • Muscle spasms

Multiple sclerosis causes
Health experts are still unsure of the exact causing factor of multiple sclerosis. Some potential trigger factors are listed below.

  • Exposure to specific viruses or bacteria
    Multiple sclerosis may develop later in life if a person is subjected to certain infections (such as the Epstein-Barr virus).
  • Lack of exposure to the sun
    A risk factor for multiple sclerosis development is decreased vitamin D levels in people who spend less time in the sun.
  • Gene mutations
    Having an MS-afflicted family member increases one’s risk of developing the condition.

Foods to help with multiple sclerosis
A healthy nutritional regime plays a vital role in managing MS symptoms. One’s meal plan significantly impacts cardiovascular and general health, affecting how one feels and functions daily with MS. Consult a healthcare provider about the foods to help with multiple sclerosis symptoms. Some healthy options are-

  • Fatty fish (source of omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Fruits and vegetables (due to antioxidant content)
  • Ginger and turmeric (because of anti-inflammatory effects)
  • Avocados (for healthy fats and antioxidants)
  • Flaxseeds (a good source of healthy fats)

Multiple sclerosis treatment
MS presently has no known cure. The primary goal of treatment is to control symptoms, lessen relapses, and reduce the condition’s course. A detailed treatment program that health experts may suggest can include the following-

  • Prescription- A neurologist might suggest prescription remedies with rapid anti-inflammatory effects which mitigate harm to the protective myelin membrane of nerve cells. Furthermore, certain other treatments may help reduce relapses and prove beneficial in the long run.
  • Physical therapy- Multiple sclerosis can impair your bodily capabilities. Therefore, health experts may suggest strengthening and stretching exercises to help you keep your movement.
  • Counseling for mental health – Patients can share their concerns about managing multiple sclerosis with a professional counselor who may suggest ways to fight their fears and doubts.

Multiple sclerosis remedies

  • Besides changing nutritional and lifestyle habits, good care will help manage the condition’s symptoms.
  • Exercise regularly to keep the muscles strong and maintain physical function; aerobic activity, flexibility, and strength training are beneficial in keeping MS symptoms at bay.

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder wherein the immune system mistakenly targets healthy nerve cells. Several efficient MS treatments are available that reduce relapses and aid in delaying the onset of the illness. Most MS patients can control their symptoms by making a considerable change in lifestyle.