A handy guide to pest control services
Business & Service

A handy guide to pest control services

Pest control is the removal of unwanted creatures, such as cockroaches, bed bugs, termites, and rodents, from your home. Pests are destructive creatures that can cause health problems and property damage in the environment they infest. The type of pest control you need for your house depends on many factors, one of them being the type of pest infestation. Read on to find out about the various factors of pest control.

Types of services

Pest control businesses offer three types of services based on your requirement.

Pest extermination

This service would help get rid of creatures such as cockroaches, ants, fleas, and other crawly pests. This method kills the pests through multiple treatments to make your home pest-free.

Pest removal

Some pests cannot be killed, as they’re not insects. Animals such as raccoons and possums often hide in the nooks under the house. Pest removal professionals trap these animals using bait to remove them from houses.

Pest prevention

In this service, the house is subjected to regular treatments, helping to keep pests away from homes. It involves the use of repellent sprays and closing off small accessways.


There are different methods that are used by professional pest control services to ensure the complete elimination of unwanted creatures from homes. Depending on the type of pest and your preference, choose the right method to get the infestation under control.

Chemical pest control

Using this method requires extreme care as some chemicals can be harmful to humans if administered wrongly. These products, which can be solid, liquid, or aerosol, effectively get rid of all infestation.

Organic pest control

A natural method is preferred by families with elderly, small children, or pets in their homes. It is also a preferred method for individuals who are sensitive to chemicals. This method includes baiting, trapping, and spraying.

Electronic pest control

This method uses technology to get rid of pests from the house. There are two ways for the process to happen electronically. First is electromagnetic, wherein the nervous system of species such as mice is targeted. The second is a method called ultrasonic which produces short-length, high-frequency sound waves to get rid of the pests.


Even though there are ways to tackle pests through DIY methods, it is always advisable to hire a professional service to get rid of them. The experienced ones have many tools, methods, and skills to get rid of pests more effectively.


If you’re unfamiliar with the work, you’ll be wasting a lot of time doing the research, trying to learn the DIY hacks, and implying them without any guarantee of success.

Money saver

Killing pests by yourself can be a costly endeavor. Buying the traps, baits, and sprays can make a dent in your pocket. If you buy the wrong or ineffective product, you might have to buy more and more items until you get it right.

Experienced exterminators

Since professional exterminators have tons of experience, they know which method and tool to use. Their knowledge also equips them to deal with complex situations in the right manner. A job done by a professional would be far more superior and thorough as opposed to one done by you.


Professionals do a good job, but they also guarantee you a good job.

Before service

There are some steps that you need to follow before the treatment begins.

  • Remove all large pieces of furniture that block the corners of your room. Since corners are the places where pests thrive, they need to be treated first.
  • Pack away your things. Everything from clothes, toys, and toiletries should ideally be sealed and packed away. Remove all bed sheets and cover all open furniture, such as a sofa.
  • Everything in the kitchen needs to be carefully packed and stored so that the chemical doesn’t settle on them. Cover the water outlet and open food packages to keep them safe.

After service

After the treatment is done, ensure that you wait till the recommended time to head back inside. Discard any food that was not covered. Do not clean or sweep the treated areas immediately as it might reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. Also, ensure that you protect yourself by wearing gloves when touching regions sprayed for the first time.

Pests can be challenging to live with; hence getting rid of them as soon as possible is the best solution. The right agency can help you get your house back and let you and your family live in peace again. After the treatment is done, maintain proper hygiene and check for pests at periodic intervals.